H Y G I E I A - S A N

Protecting The Future

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Our Full Range of Products and Descriptions

Toucan Eco 375ml
Hypochlorous Generator
For Domestic and Small Businesses


Toucan Renew 2 Litre
Hypochlorous Generator
For Small Businesses


Toucan Eco Active
Our bio clean and disinfectant generator is a greener way to clean small to medium facilities producing 10-litre batches of 99.999% solution in as little as 15 minutes. 



Customer Reviews


“In 2021, as a result of using the Toucan Eco system, the Group saved 2.7 tonnes of plastic packaging and 35,000 tonnes of chemical distribution. That’s where the environmental benefits of using the system are hugely significant for our business.


“A review from a customer who benefited from your product. Reviews can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”

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